Are you tired of setting goals that never quite make it past the starting line? Do your dreams seem forever stuck on a waiting list, just out of reach? If you’ve found yourself nodding along, you’re not alone. It’s not about lacking planning skills or setting SMART goals—it’s something deeper.

You see, the traditional approach to goal setting is like a well-worn path we all know too well. Define your goal, make it SMART, plan the steps, and voilà! Yet, in my coaching journey, I’ve uncovered a missing piece in this puzzle.

It’s the “BUTs” that sneak in and sabotage our journey. “I want to, but I don’t have time… I’m too young… I don’t have the resources…” Sound familiar? Instead of focusing on solutions, we fixate on limitations, pushing our dreams further away.

The journey from – to + in goal setting often feels like a losing battle, leaving us stranded in a sea of unmet expectations. It’s no surprise that despite our best efforts, the results we crave remain elusive.

Join me as we unravel the mysteries of goal setting, explore the power of mindset shifts, and discover the keys to turning those dreams into reality. It’s time to break free from the cycle of stagnation and step boldly into a future where your goals are not just plans but vibrant, living achievements.

Filling the gap

To prevent the demotivation from the early stages of goal setting, I started to introduce an intermediary step. Why start from – to + when we can simply start from + to ++?

If it’s not the first time you set a goal, you’ve already learnt something. You have valuable experiences and supportive networks. You’ve already built some skills and gained some knowledge. The moment you think of achieving something, your bag is already full of resources. It is just a matter of how you use those resources to create new ones and finally transform that dream of yours into reality!

The Resources Map worksheet

It is the enthusiasm and the confidence that you are able to follow through your plans that will get you where you want. Not anxiety and overwhelm. The Resources Map tool comes to fill in the gap and give you the necessary boost for a successful goal setting. It is an intermediate step to inspire, motivate and enhance your confidence that you are capable of accomplishing everything you want.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Dream big and visualize what you want & where you want to get.
  2. Transform your dream into a SMART goal.
  3. Map your resources
  4. Create an action plan that works!

The Resources Map tool helps you see the positive bigger picture. Along with some powerful coaching questions it will increase your awareness of past achievements, the skills & knowledge you’ve gathered so far, the support circles you have.

You’ve already done lots of things so far, haven’t you?

You can download the worksheet and use it anytime you have a new goal. The same Resources Map can be used multiple times and you can add to it until you have no space left on the paper. Every new skill, knowledge and experience should be added. In this way you’ll have a realistic resources counter.

Guiding questions

If you are stuck and don’t know where to start filling it, answer these questions:

  • Have you ever had to achieve a similar goal? What have you done right that time?
  • What do people compliment you for?
  • Who can help you achieve your goal?
  • What other resources are available to you?
  • What do you love to do that you are good at and can be paid for?
  • Ask yourself not only which topics energise you, but which people can get excited about them with you – Who is your tribe?
  • Give some examples when you were successful in the past?
  • Without being humble, what do you value most about yourself?

A take-away message

As we wrap up this journey of self-discovery and goal-setting mastery, remember this: the power to transform your dreams into reality lies within you. It’s not about starting from – to +; it’s about embracing the journey from + to ++ with confidence and enthusiasm.

Introducing the Resources Map tool—a beacon of light in the sea of uncertainty. By visualizing your dreams, transforming them into SMART goals, and mapping your abundant resources, you pave the way for success. This tool isn’t just a worksheet; it’s a guiding star, illuminating the path to achievement and fulfillment.

Reflect on your past victories, acknowledge your strengths, and leverage your support network. With each step, each skill acquired, and each experience gained, you add to your arsenal of resources. The Resources Map isn’t just a one-time tool; it’s a companion for every goal, every dream, and every triumph.

So, as you embark on your next venture, armed with newfound clarity and purpose, remember to ask yourself the empowering questions, celebrate your successes, and embrace the unwavering belief that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

Download the worksheet, fill it with your victories, your skills, and your support system. Let it be a testament to your growth, your potential, and your unwavering determination. It’s time to step boldly into a future where your goals are not just plans but vibrant, living achievements. The Resources Map awaits—unlock its potential and watch your dreams flourish into reality.

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