For some time now, I have been preoccupied with optimizing my self-care routines to enhance my focus, productivity, and overall well-being. I have delved into numerous articles on healthy habits, successful people’s routines, and the essential steps to kickstart a productive day. While some strategies resonate with me and others I have already experimented with, I have chosen to incorporate a few into my daily schedule. However, this extensive reading has also evoked a sense of inadequacy within me, fostering the belief that my current efforts are insufficient. The constant consumption of content on optimal habits and morning rituals can inadvertently intensify the pressure to constantly strive for more, ultimately creating a suffocating environment of unrealistic expectations.

As is common with any trend, we often find ourselves striving for perfection, continuously expanding our daily schedules and to-do lists: exercising, meditating, trying new activities, enrolling in courses, reading countless books, listening to podcasts, stretching, using specific shampoos, and the list goes on endlessly. While I acknowledge the importance of routines and habits (as I am actively engaging in this process myself), I have come to realize that the outcome may not always align with our intentions. Instead of finding relaxation, we inadvertently fuel burnout; instead of anticipating a fulfilling day, we are consumed by anxiety over our perceived inability to accomplish everything we desire. From the enticing allure of never-ending to-do lists to the perpetual cycle of adding more tasks to our already brimming schedules, it is imperative to pause and contemplate. Are we genuinely nurturing our well-being, or are we inadvertently paving a path towards burnout?

Self-care or self-avoidance through routines?

When faced with challenges, our natural inclination is to seek solutions. Self-care routines often emerge as a response to issues such as sleep disturbances, low energy levels, procrastination, and diminished self-esteem. Scientifically validated, habits have been shown to enhance performance and provide a motivational lift. However, the dilemma arises when determining which habits to adopt and how many to incorporate into our routines.

At times, I sense that when we exert excessive pressure on our daily habits, we may inadvertently be evading our emotions. We immerse ourselves in activities like bubble baths, leisurely strolls, or rigorous workouts to avoid confronting our true feelings, leaving little room for genuine emotional introspection.

The article that resonated with my dilemma

Until now, every piece of content I read on habits and self-care routines was about what to do. But this one actually said what we should stop doing. And it’s revealing how relaxing it can be to let go of all these “must do” and just do nothing. Psychiatrist Ellen Vora told Mind Body Green that self-care routines make us unhappy. And here’s what she’s saying:

“Trying to find ways to squeeze in meditation, journaling, luxurious baths, yoga, and a lengthy morning green tea ritual in which we recite positive affirmations can be overwhelming—and it’s contributing to the original problem.”

The active approach to self-care is related to what we do instead of letting go and just be. When we keep focusing too much on healing it can end up “digging the groove deeper”.

Some conclusions I take with me… which I want to pass over to you

The article I stumbled upon on MBG struck a chord with me, as I, too, found myself ensnared by the allure of healthy habits, grappling with the weight and strain of perpetually striving for more. Sometimes, the most effective approach to healing and rejuvenation involves doing less—both emotionally and physically. Amidst the whirlwind of self-care routine fervor, it is essential to delve deep into the purpose behind our actions and what we aim to accomplish. Ultimately, it is crucial to embrace a moment of stillness, breathe, and immerse ourselves in activities that bring us joy and contentment, allowing ourselves the space to simply be.

Let’s delve into the delicate balance between ambition and self-care, and discover how simplicity, mindfulness, and self-compassion can guide us towards a more sustainable and fulfilling approach to personal growth. It’s time to embrace the beauty of imperfection and redefine what it truly means to thrive in a world obsessed with doing it all.

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