During a relaxed walk you’re going to experience a photo challenge as you’ve never done before. Capturing who you are, how you let others see you, how the others perceive you and how you relate with your environment, you are putting together your complete image. The ultimate treasure you’ll take home with you is your authentic self and the confidence to express who you really are every day, no matter the roles you take in.

Your benefits:

  • Enhanced visual communication skills

  • Improved self-awareness: you’ll gain a method to explore the multiplicity of our identities

  • Improved self-image through a series of photographs of yourself

  •  Congruence between self-perception, how others see us and how we relate to others and our environment

  • Increased self-confidence

  • Reclaim your “space” in the city you live in through a focused city exploration


Experiment a self-discovery and self-awareness journey using the power of photography


Explore your own perception of self, the image you project in the world and how others perceive you, through a combination of self-portraits, portraits and selfies


Enhance your relations with others by group interaction, working in teams and approaching strangers

Through the photos you’ll take, you will in turn be the photographer, subject and the spectator. Thus, this treasure hunt will not only be an enjoyable walk, but an opportunity to experience different roles and increase self-awareness. Your comfort zone is going to be challenged as you’ll express yourself in images and interact with others and possibly strangers. And you’ll improve your relationship with the urban environment by learning to shift perspectives and look around through creative lenses.

Join me for this photography hunt for self-discovery!

My true self photography hunt comes from the desire to make the self-discovery journey enjoyable and creative. It combines therapeutic photography techniques within a treasure hunt game with the intention to answer to “who I am” question.

To conform to social demands, we learnt to wear masks and hide beneath images of perfection. But when masks are too tight, we lose sight of who we really are. Authenticity becomes a blurry concept. And we are going to get that back in focus.

We’re going to let the city reveal the clues for our true selves. We’ll let the masks fall down. And who we really are and how we let others see us will get captured in one congruent image of ourselves.